Top 5 Things To Remember After LASIK

If you’ve just had LASIK, you may be nervous, excited, and apprehensive. This is completely normal! LASIK with Loden Vision Centers is a life-changing event. Now that you’ve had the procedure, check out these top 5 things to remember after LASIK!

1. Don’t Rub Your Eyes

One of the most important things to remember after getting LASIK is to not touch your eyes! Although your cornea will heal on its own, it takes some time after the flap is created. This means that if you want your eyes to heal properly and on schedule, avoid rubbing them. Rubbing your eyes can dislodge the corneal flap, and permanently damage your vision. It’s normal to have a foreign body feeling in your eye, even if there’s not actually something in there. This is usually a sign that your eyes are dry and need to be lubricated. Avoid the temptation of rubbing your eyes!

2. Use Eye Drops Every Hour

After LASIK, you’ll notice that your eyes are extremely dry. Your doctor at Loden Vision Centers will recommend buying lubricating eyedrops, as well as prescribe eyedrops to prevent infection. The more your eyes are lubricated, the better you will feel after LASIK! Most eye doctors will recommend putting drops in every single hour. It may sound a little ridiculous, but this is extremely important! If your eyes are too dry, your vision may not clear up fast enough after the procedure. Make sure to buy eyedrops that will lubricate your eyes and promote fast healing. Your eye doctor at Loden Vision Centers will recommend the best brand to buy. It never hurts to stock up, since you’ll be going through a lot of eyedrops the first few weeks after LASIK!

3. Tell Your Doctor If Your Vision Changes

It’s normal for your vision to fluctuate as your eyes adjust after LASIK. However, if you feel like your vision is getting worse instead of better, this is not normal. You’ll have several post-op appointments to check on the progress of your vision, so this is a good opportunity to tell your doctor if your eyes aren’t recovering, or are causing you pain. LASIK is still a surgery, and this means that there may still be complications that need to be addressed after it’s completed.

4. Be Gentle With Your Eyes

It goes without saying that your eyes will appear a bit beat up after LASIK. You may experience bruised eyelids or red spots on your eye after the procedure. Make sure to give your eyes lots of TLC after LASIK. Don’t wear makeup until your doctor has approved it since you could get bacteria into your eyes and cause an infection. In the shower, take extra care to keep water and shampoo out of your eyes. Getting anything in your eyes can harm them post-LASIK. When you go to bed, the first week you’ll be asked to wear eye shields. They aren’t the most glamorous accessory, but they keep your eyes protected while you are sleeping. It is imperative that you wear these, no matter how ugly they may be. After all, it’s only temporary!

5. Attend All Follow-Up Appointments

After LASIK, it’s important that you attend all follow up appointments. Besides a post-op the day after your procedure, you’ll typically be asked to come back 1 week after, a month after, and six months after. These appointments are crucial and will help your eye doctor at Loden Vision Centers stay up to date on how your eyes are. The follow-up appointments are a small price to pay for the best vision of your life!

Have additional questions about LASIK? Want to find out if you’re a candidate? Schedule a free LASIK consultation with the experts at Loden Vision Centers today!