What to Do When Parents Need Cataract Surgery


As your parents get older, they sometimes need more support. One common issue many people struggle with when they’re older is cataracts. Cataracts are prevalent, and half of all adults will develop them by age 75. Because cataracts develop slowly, many people don’t realize they have them initially or even notice them. However, they can…

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6 Places in Nashville to Explore this Spring After LASIK


Do you have dreams of being able to see without contact lenses or glasses? LASIK can make those dreams come true! LASIK is a highly effective and low-risk procedure that can give you long-lasting, clear vision. If you’ve considered having LASIK for a while, now is the time to finally get your consultation and take…

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Here’s What to Know About Diabetic Eye Diseases


Do you have diabetes? You’re not alone; it’s a health condition that requires close monitoring to avoid adverse effects on your health.  One particular aspect of diabetes that affects how healthy your eyes are eye is the risk of developing several eye conditions. In addition, many of these eye conditions also cause permanent vision loss….

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What Does Insurance Cover with Cataract Surgery?


Cataracts are among the most common eye conditions worldwide, so unsurprisingly, cataract surgery is one of the most commonly performed medical procedures. It is the only treatment for cataracts, and it’s highly effective.  Even if you’ve lost your vision due to cataracts, the procedure can restore it by removing them. Cataract surgery is medically necessary…

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What Kind of Glaucoma Can Durysta Treat?


Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in adults over 60. It’s often called the Silent Thief of Sight as it doesn’t show any symptoms in the early stages.  When most patients experience vision loss, they cannot regain that vision as it’s permanent and irreversible. But if you have glaucoma, there is treatment. …

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Why This is the Year to Finally Have LASIK


Have you ever thought about having LASIK? If not, you should!  LASIK can improve your life by giving you fantastic vision and freedom from visual aids. It doesn’t hurt that LASIK is quite popular.  With 96% of patients achieving 20/20 vision or better after the procedure, it’s no wonder why! Whether you’ve thought about having…

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Don’t Let Dry Eyes Stand in the Way of Your Holidays!

Dry Eye

It’s common for your eyes to feel slightly more uncomfortable in winter. It’s more prevalent for your eyes to feel too dry during this time, as air tends to be drier in the winter.  If you have dry eyes, they may feel inflamed, itchy, watery, and gritty. Most people get dry eyes sometimes, but if…

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What Sets PRK Apart from LASIK?


Do you want to stop depending on glasses and contact lenses? The easiest solution is usually with a vision correction procedure like LASIK.  Most people have heard of LASIK. LASIK is the most popular vision correction procedure, but it isn’t the only one. Another vision correction procedure that predates LASIK but provides patients with virtually…

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What Do You Really Get With the Cost of LASIK?


If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you’ve probably already thought about having LASIK. Who wouldn’t consider achieving visual freedom and finally seeing clearly?  LASIK is one of the most popular vision correction procedures you can undergo, and there are good reasons why. It’s effective, low-risk, and can eliminate the need for visual aids, helping…

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8 Signs You May Be a Good LASIK Candidate in Nashville


Have you ever thought about having LASIK? As one of the most popular elective procedures in the world, most people who wear glasses or contact lenses have heard of LASIK.  You’ve probably even considered getting LASIK if you have a refractive error. But how do you know if you’re a good candidate for LASIK? The…

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