What You Need to Know About Diabetic Eye Care


If you have diabetes, the condition can affect your health in several ways. One of the most important things to be aware of regarding diabetes is how it affects how healthy your eyes are.  There are several eye conditions associated with diabetes. Many of these, like diabetes, have no cure but are manageable. Still, many…

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Could the EVO ICL Be the Vision Correction Procedure for You?


Vision correction procedures are an increasingly popular alternative to traditional visual aids like contact lenses and glasses. A vision correction procedure can give you total freedom from glasses and contact lenses if you have a refractive error.  But there are several kinds of vision correction procedures to choose from, making it challenging to know which…

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Wondering if LASIK is Worth It? Read This First


Tired of depending on glasses and contact lenses? Want to see the world in crystal-clear clarity? It’s time to think about LASIK. After all, it is the most popular elective surgical procedure you can undergo and the most popular laser vision correction procedure! There’s a good reason for this: LASIK patients can achieve complete visual…

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What Makes Durysta Such a Revolutionary Glaucoma Treatment?


Have you or someone you love recently received a glaucoma diagnosis? Although it may seem scary, you’re not alone.  Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in adults who are 60 and over. Glaucoma is often called the “Silent Thief of Sight.”  The eye condition can cause permanent damage to your vision. There…

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Take Your Spring in Nashville to New Heights With LASIK


Love the idea of crisp, clear vision unfettered by glasses or contact lenses?  Now is the perfect time to get LASIK. LASIK can give you the vision of your dreams, eliminating the need for glasses and contact lenses. Many people with refractive errors consider getting LASIK but don’t take any steps toward finding out more. …

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Woman enjoying the spring of her home in the garden near a blooming magnolia tree inhaling the aroma

These are 6 of the Most Popular Frequently Asked Questions About LASIK


Most people have heard of LASIK and its impressive capabilities. It’s one of the most popular elective procedures you can undergo and has a very high success rate, with over 95% of LASIK patients achieving 20/20 vision or better.  The vision correction procedure is low-risk and highly effective, giving patients much-longed-for total visual freedom from…

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Happy young man using a laptop

Are My Dry Eyes Something More?

Dry Eye

Do you have dry, itchy, or watery eyes? Are you plagued by dryness that never seems to improve?  Many people struggle with dry eyes. There are numerous reasons your eyes may feel irritated and dried out.  If you have dry eyes for a brief period and the symptoms go away on their own, you usually…

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Tear Film Diagram

Which Premium IOL is Best for My Active Lifestyle?


When you get cataract surgery, one thing you have to figure out is what kind of IOL you want. IOLs, or intraocular lenses, are artificial lenses that replace the natural lens in your eye. You’ll have the natural lens removed during cataract surgery to remove a cataract. The procedure for cataract removal, cataract surgery, is…

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PanOptix Lens Implant Vision