
Mother and Daughter Together

Cataracts are a condition often associated with age. More than that, they are actually one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide.

Wondering what you need to know about cataracts? Keep reading to learn more about them!

What Are Cataracts and How Do They Develop?

Our eyes are partially made up of water and proteins. As we age, these proteins tend to gravitate to the center of the lens and form into a clump.

When these proteins clump together, they cause the lens of the eye to become cloudy. With this cloudiness comes blurry vision and vision loss.

Do Cataracts Develop Quickly?

It depends on the cataract but most take years or decades to develop. A cataract could start developing in your forties but you may not notice any vision loss until later.

This is why many people describe cataracts as an “age related” condition. Vision loss occurs with cataracts once the cataract has finished developing.

If you have a cataract that never finished developing, you may never have severe vision loss. Cataracts affect millions of people every year around the world.

How Are Cataracts Treated?

If you have a cataract in the early stages of development, you can usually treat it with glasses or contacts. In some cases, the cataract never grows larger and surgery is not needed.

For most people, their cataract continues developing and leads to frustrating symptoms. When this happens, your prescription will only continue changing.

Eventually, treating cataracts gets beyond the point of contacts or glasses. If you’re suffering from vision loss and can’t take part in everyday activities, it may be time for surgery.

Cataract surgery is one of the most common procedures that you can undergo and is safe!

What Happens During Cataract Surgery?

During cataract surgery, you’ll have the natural lens of your eye removed. It is then replaced with an artificial lens called an intraocular lens.

The IOL takes over the job that your natural lens was performing and results in clear vision!

What Does An IOL Do?

The purpose of the IOL is to restore clear vision. By removing your cataract-ridden lens, the IOL provides clear vision.

Currently, the only way to treat cataracts is to remove the lens during cataract surgery. Once the clouded lens has been removed and replaced with an IOL, you’ll have clear vision!

Is There Only One Kind of IOL?

There are several IOL options, actually. Monovision IOLs are most popular due to the fact that they are the only type of IOL covered by Medicare.

If you have the budget, there are premium lens IOLs as well. These allow you to see at all distances including close-up and far away. Unlike monovision IOLs, premium IOLs are not covered by insurance or Medicare.

Is Cataract Surgery Dangerous?

Cataract surgery is a reliable procedure performed on millions of patients every year. Like any surgical procedure, cataract surgery comes with risks, but they are rare. Want the best results? Make sure you choose an experienced cataract surgeon!

Thinking it may be time for cataract surgery? Schedule a cataract screening with Loden Vision Centers in the Nashville, TN area!