Common Misconceptions about Cataracts


For being so common, there are still a lot of myths and misconceptions surrounding cataracts. At Loden Vision Center, we want all of our patients to be properly informed when it comes to their eyes, and the conditions that can affect them. To increase cataract awareness and knowledge, let us dispel a few common myths…

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Why Bladeless LASIK Surgery is Better than Traditional LASIK


Like most of the things created and nurtured through technology, LASIK has gone through several improvements over the years. LASIK was first introduced as a laser eye corrective procedure which involves the use of blades. Years later, these blades (called microkeratomes) were replaced with a femtosecond laser. This laser allowed LASIK to be performed using…

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Cataract Surgery: All About IOLs


A large portion of the American population nowadays depends on eyeglasses and contact lenses to get by at work, and while driving or reading. While poor eyesight is very common due to our growing dependence on screens, increased cataract development is also to blame. Cataracts are extremely common, and always have been, although they occur…

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6 Reasons You May Want to Avoid Contact Lenses


For many in the past, crystal-clear vision seemed unattainable. But thanks to amazing advances in technology, modern vision correction offers so many options to suit a variety of people. The contact lens is one form of vision correction that has made significant improvements in recent years. However, for many patients, contact lenses improve their vision…

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Correcting Astigmatism During Laser Cataract Surgery


Cataracts, one of the most common eye conditions in the world, affect millions of Americans each year. This condition most often develops in older patients, but is also known to develop in younger patients. Cataracts can develop in addition to refractive errors, one of the most common being astigmatism. While the two conditions are not…

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Too Young for Cataracts? Think Again!


Cataracts are almost always associated with older generations. When people are asked about eye diseases that occur in old age, cataracts is always on the list. Contrary to popular belief, this disease does not just affect the elderly – it can affect younger people in the form of early onset cataracts. While early onset cataracts…

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Matters of the Eye: LASIK versus PRK


The evolution of vision correction surgeries is without a doubt endless. With these ever-growing options, a patient can be easily overwhelmed even with the proper and adequate guidance from an eye doctor. Two of the most popular, cutting-edge vision correction surgeries are LASIK and PRK/LASEK. Having a basic grasp of how these surgeries work is…

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What is the Cause of Dry Eye?

Dry Eye

The human eye relies a lot on tears to supply lubrication and moisture so that you can maintain your vision and comfort. You might be surprised to learn that tears are a combination of quite a few elements: water, oil, mucus, antibodies and proteins. Once these essential components are gathered, the human eyes special glands…

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