To give a little bit of backstory I was interested in enlisting in the U.S. Air Force and went through the whole process. Lost 75 pounds, got a good ASVAB score, and proceeded to go through MEPS. Then, was later denied entry due to my vision. I never knew my true vision, just was aware I had a lot of astigmatism. I was later told I was 20/400, which to give you retrospect what I can see from 20 feet away the average person with 20/20 can see from 400 feet away. I was pretty shocked, and assumed I was limited to no options, but after 5 minutes with Dr. Loden I was told I was a good candidate for LASIK. The surgery itself was a breeze and for me at least only lasted around 8-10 minutes for the whole thing. The only thing you feel is slight pressure in the beginning for a few seconds and then it goes away. Loden and his team truly care and within seconds of sitting up from the table I could see so much better. Within the second day I was back to driving. I was told they corrected me to 20/25, but that if Id like an enhancement I could have one a month or two later which I definitely plan to do. Sure its only a 5 foot distance but its worth it with how easy the process is with them. Im still recovering now so may see even better in the next few days, but considering I can actually see words on a screen and make out what small road signs say Id say its a huge improvement.